Back to search results Dr. med. Christian Schäferhoff Augenpraxisklinik Vogelsang/Augenzentren NRMFabrikstraße 10/1Esslingen 73728 Germany View Telephone Number 0711-57741970 Enquiry formIf you would like to discuss your suitability for a Rayner intraocular lens (IOL) or solution then please fill in your details below. Your enquiry will be sent directly to your chosen surgeon or clinic. You will not receive any marketing-related emails. Please allow a couple of days for a response from the surgeon or clinic.Name(erforderlich) Email(erforderlich) PhoneHow would you prefer to be contacted?PhoneEmailText messageMessageConsent(erforderlich) By submitting you agree to be contacted by the surgeon or clinic regarding your interest in a Rayner intraocular lens (IOL) or solution.Rayner does not recommend or endorse individual surgeons.PhoneDieses Feld dient zur Validierung und sollte nicht verändert werden.